Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Socio-Economic Inequalities Articles from IPPO

  1. The Cost of Living Crisis: How Are Cities Responding and What Policy Tools Work?

    The Cost of Living Crisis: How Are Cities Responding and What Policy Tools Work?

    This Thursday, 20th October 2022 at 3 pm BST (UK Time), IPPO Cities hosts a free, online roundtable event on the cost of living crisis.  Our expert panel will feature speakers from the Centre for Cities, Glasgow City Council, and Westminster City Council discussing impactful actions that city leaders and policymakers can take in the current crisis.  The panel will share their insights and examples of best practice, as well as offering useable takeaways for the IPPO Cities audience. Jeremy Williams The ongoing cost of living crisis provides an unprecedented challenge to...

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  2. Social capital’s impact on COVID-19 outcomes at local levels

    Social capital’s impact on COVID-19 outcomes at local levels

    Over the past thirty years, disaster scholars have highlighted that communities with stronger social infrastructure—including social ties that enable trust, mutual aid, and collective action—tend to respond to and recover better from crises. However, comprehensive measurements of social capital across communities have been rare. This study adapts Kyne and Aldrich’s (Risk Hazards Crisis Public Policy 11, 61–86, 2020) county-level social capital index to the census-tract level, generating social capital indices from 2011 to 2018 at the census-tract, zipcode, and county subdivision levels. To demonstrate their usefulness to disaster planners, public health experts,...

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