Socio-Economic Inequalities Articles from IPPO

  1. Does ‘AI’ stand for augmenting inequality in the era of COVID-19 healthcare?

    Does ‘AI’ stand for augmenting inequality in the era of COVID-19 healthcare?

    Leslie, Mazumder et al, BMJ (16.03.21) ‘Artificial intelligence can help tackle the covid-19 pandemic, but bias and discrimination in its design and deployment risk exacerbating existing health inequity.’ Among the most damaging characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic has been its disproportionate effect on disadvantaged communities. As the outbreak has spread globally, factors such as systemic racism, marginalisation and structural inequality have created path dependencies that have led to poor health outcomes. These social determinants of infectious disease and vulnerability to disaster have converged to affect already disadvantaged communities with higher levels of...

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  2. Inequalities around the globe: what the world sees as most serious

    Inequalities around the globe: what the world sees as most serious

    The Policy Institute, King’s College London (26.03.21) Along with disparities in income and wealth (56%), Britons are particularly concerned about inequalities between more and less deprived areas (51%). Their concern about these place-based inequalities is significantly higher than the European average (39%). Other concerns are seen as relatively less serious and are more in line with opinion across Europe – aside from when it comes to gender inequality, which is viewed as a pressing problem by a greater proportion of Europeans (33%) than Britons (23%). Women tend to be slightly more concerned...

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