Place and Spatial Inequality Articles from IPPO

  1. Local Government Fiscal Constraint in Scotland: Risk and Resilience

    Local Government Fiscal Constraint in Scotland: Risk and Resilience

    Rob Richardson In September 2024, the Centre for Public Policy brought together government, the voluntary sector, and academic expertise from across Scotland for a roundtable discussion. Our aim was to understand how local government in Scotland is responding to the current challenging fiscal context, and to share perspective and practice on the potential ways forward through difficult times. Participants were asked to consider two broad themes of ‘risk’ and ‘resilience’, to identify the key risks faced by local government and consider ways in which those risks could be mitigated.   Several key ideas...

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  2. Illustration of London City Skyline

    How Can Data Enable Tackling the Climate Crisis and Rising Fuel Poverty Through an Efficient Rollout of Retrofit?  

    This article forms part of our Data for Policy series. As part of IPPO and UCL’s Department of Information Studies’ Building Local Data Capabilities project, five Data for Policy Fellows are currently embedded in partner local government bodies across the United Kingdom and will write about their experiences and insights on the challenges of using data in policymaking. Maria Wood The London Building Stock Model The Greater London Authority (GLA) is London’s regional governance body, comprising the Mayor and the London Assembly. It administers the city’s transport, housing, policing, fire, and economic strategy...

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