Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Place and Spatial Inequality Articles from IPPO

  1. How to Build Data Capacity and Culture in Local Government

    How to Build Data Capacity and Culture in Local Government

    Bonnie Buyuklieva, Jeremy Williams, Selin Zileli, Maria Wood, Martin Gozzi, Veronica-Nicholle Hera and Thomas Murat Local and combined authorities across the UK often face challenges using data to inform good policymaking.  At the same time, national governments can also struggle to compare disparate and sometimes isolated data collected at the local level. This report addresses these two separate but interconnected problems.  It aims to help all layers of government use data more effectively to inform better decision-making – with the ultimate aim of leading to better outcomes. The report is that of...

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  2. Can Innovation Districts Create and Spread Prosperity?

    Can Innovation Districts Create and Spread Prosperity?

    Claire MacRae In November 2024, the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Public Policy brought researchers together with national and local government stakeholders to discuss how innovation districts can create economic growth, whose benefits can be shared equitably with their local populations. At the event, attendees discussed IPPO’s recent report, Growth Beacons: How Urban Innovation Districts Can Create and Spread Prosperity, and heard five-minute lightning talks – or ‘provocations’ – from Duncan Booker, Glasgow City Council, James Finnie, Community Enterprise in Scotland (CEIS), and Simon Smith, UK Innovations District Group (UKIDG). The discussion...

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  3. Growth Beacons: How Innovation Districts Can Create and Spread Prosperity

    Growth Beacons: How Innovation Districts Can Create and Spread Prosperity

    Geoff Mulgan, Jeremy Williams, Hope McGee Across the UK and around the world, Innovation Districts are becoming important engines of productivity, creativity and growth. As part of our work to help governments combat spatial inequality, IPPO launches a new report, produced with collaboration from the UK Innovation Districts Group and UCL’s EPPI Centre, to show how districts can drive success. Growth Beacons: How Innovation Districts Can Create and Spread Prosperity highlights the key role Innovation Districts can play in facilitating economic growth, while sharing their benefits broadly with local people. As well...

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  4. Local Government Fiscal Constraint in Scotland: Risk and Resilience

    Local Government Fiscal Constraint in Scotland: Risk and Resilience

    Rob Richardson In September 2024, the Centre for Public Policy brought together government, the voluntary sector, and academic expertise from across Scotland for a roundtable discussion. Our aim was to understand how local government in Scotland is responding to the current challenging fiscal context, and to share perspective and practice on the potential ways forward through difficult times. Participants were asked to consider two broad themes of ‘risk’ and ‘resilience’, to identify the key risks faced by local government and consider ways in which those risks could be mitigated.   Several key ideas...

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