Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

mental health Articles from IPPO

  1. In isolation instead of in school: Young people’s experiences of COVID-19 and effects on mental health and education

    In isolation instead of in school: Young people’s experiences of COVID-19 and effects on mental health and education

    Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID), University of Edinburgh (16.03.21) In isolation instead of in school (INISS) is a study asking young people from every Scottish community to share their experiences of COVID-19, and the effects of school closures and national exam cancellations on mental health and wellbeing. It is well known that schools provide structure and safety, particularly to vulnerable children and young people. School closures impact all young people, but are likely to place vulnerable young people at further risk of mental ill-health. This research provides vital...

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