Jeremy Williams Articles from IPPO

  1. Team working on blockchain technology. Connecting a large cube Future Technology Concept Blockchain Cryptocurrency. isometric vector illustration.

    Forward-looking Data Capabilities Are Needed to Transform Policymaking At a Local Level

    Across the country, local governments are collecting valuable information on their region’s challenges, and the solutions that work and don’t work. But these data sets are not yet fully comparable, reducing policymakers’ ability to learn from one another and make the most of their devolved powers.

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  2. Mapping Systems for Policy Impact – Introducing IPPO’s SEPPA Method

    Mapping Systems for Policy Impact – Introducing IPPO’s SEPPA Method

    In advance of our session on Systems Mapping: Best Approaches and What Works for Policy Design on Wednesday 1st November 2023 at 2 pm GMT – sign up for free here – IPPO launches its SEPPA Method mapping systems, evidence and power for policy action. Geoff Mulgan and Jeremy Wiliams At IPPO, systems maps are one of the tools we use to help inform better decision-making with evidence.  The idea behind them is that maps of this kind allow us to better understand how often complex things work – as well as...

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