Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Bonnie Buyuklieva Articles from IPPO

  1. How to Build Data Capacity and Culture in Local Government

    How to Build Data Capacity and Culture in Local Government

    Bonnie Buyuklieva, Jeremy Williams, Selin Zileli, Maria Wood, Martin Gozzi, Veronica-Nicholle Hera and Thomas Murat Local and combined authorities across the UK often face challenges using data to inform good policymaking.  At the same time, national governments can also struggle to compare disparate and sometimes isolated data collected at the local level. This report addresses these two separate but interconnected problems.  It aims to help all layers of government use data more effectively to inform better decision-making – with the ultimate aim of leading to better outcomes. The report is that of...

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  2. Team working on blockchain technology. Connecting a large cube Future Technology Concept Blockchain Cryptocurrency. isometric vector illustration.

    Forward-looking Data Capabilities Are Needed to Transform Policymaking At a Local Level

    Across the country, local governments are collecting valuable information on their region’s challenges, and the solutions that work and don’t work. But these data sets are not yet fully comparable, reducing policymakers’ ability to learn from one another and make the most of their devolved powers.

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