Evidence in Policymaking Articles from IPPO

  1. Cities’ Use of Data and Intelligence: Key Takeaways

    Cities’ Use of Data and Intelligence: Key Takeaways

    IPPO Cities convened a policy roundtable to explore insights from the pandemic for city policymakers on the use of intelligence and data.  The event asked how city policymakers took decisions during the pandemic, what worked and why, and what lessons could be applied to future crises and everyday decision-making.

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  2. IPPO Response to World Health Organisation’s Second Round of Public Hearings on Pandemic

    IPPO Response to World Health Organisation’s Second Round of Public Hearings on Pandemic

    Jeremy Williams Here at IPPO, we mobilise global knowledge to address the social impacts of Covid. The pandemic offers us an opportunity to reflect on how policies and interventions can mitigate against a catastrophe. We need to learn the lessons of Covid, both for future pandemics, and for the big, global challenges which are already looming large. To meet these challenges, we need to respond with policy which is both creative and informed by evidence. And to be prepared, we need to understand two things: which interventions work, and how we define...

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  3. The 2022 monkeypox outbreak: considerations for public policy and social science research

    The 2022 monkeypox outbreak: considerations for public policy and social science research

    Social science questions related to Monkeypox can be addressed through both the synthesis of contextually relevant knowledge, as well as the conducting of new, primary research.  In order to facilitate a discussion and to encourage future work to be useful for policymakers, the International Public Policy Observatory, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Council, convened an online roundtable on the 10th August 2022, and conducted 1-2-1 interviews with experts in the field. Participants came from both within and outside the social sciences.  They included epidemiologists and behavioural scientists who are...

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