Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Covid Recovery Articles from IPPO

  1. Care Home Voices: A snapshot of life in care homes in Wales during COVID-19

    Care Home Voices: A snapshot of life in care homes in Wales during COVID-19

    Older People’s Commissioner for Wales This report is based on more than 120 responses (received between 14 May and 5 June 2020) from older people, their families and friends and care home staff to a series of questions about their experiences during lockdown, the issues and challenges they have faced, and the changes and improvements they would like to see. Responses were shared via an online form, over the telephone, by email and by letter. Engagement sessions were also arranged with a small number of care home residents in care homes in...

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  2. An Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland: recommendations for improved support

    An Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland: recommendations for improved support

    A Scottish Government report led by Derek Feeley, supported by an Advisory Panel of Scottish and international experts At the centre of the remit for this review was a request to recommend improvements to adult social care support in Scotland, primarily in terms of the outcomes achieved by and with people who use services. Having listened carefully, over the last several months, to the voices and the stories of many people with lived experience of social care support, unpaid carers and staff working in the sector, we believe that there are three...

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  3. The adult social care market in England: insights and recommendations ahead of future social care reforms

    The adult social care market in England: insights and recommendations ahead of future social care reforms

    National Audit Office (25.03.21) The Department of Health & Social Care is responsible for setting national policy and the legal framework. This report examines the current care market and the Department’s role in overseeing the market now and in the future, with the aim of offering insights and recommendations ahead of future social care reforms. COVID-19 has focused attention on social care as never before. It has highlighted existing problems with social care and emphasised significant gaps in the Department’s understanding of the market. However, we have also seen substantial efforts from...

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