The Voluntary Sector’s Vital Role in Responding to our Crises: Findings from the Scottish Third Sector Tracker
A reflection on the challenges faced by Scotland’s voluntary sector post-pandemic, and what this might mean for communities.
December 7, 2023
A reflection on the challenges faced by Scotland’s voluntary sector post-pandemic, and what this might mean for communities.
November 22, 2023
Stubbornly high economic inactivity levels are a key contributor to the UK’s challenging economic outlook. IPPO teams at Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Glasgow have been gathering evidence on policy responses to economic inactivity.
November 22, 2023
As part of a wider package of work on economic inactivity, IPPO Scotland has conducted a review of policy interventions which seek to address economic inactivity, with a focus on poor health and disability.
November 20, 2023
This guide is intended to give policymakers a feel for the entire review process and create a final report that balances rapidity and rigour.