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place and spatial inequality Articles from IPPO

  1. Remedying Spatial Inequality: Key Lessons for Regional and Local Policymakers 

    Remedying Spatial Inequality: Key Lessons for Regional and Local Policymakers 

    Henriette Ruhrmann Spatial inequality in the UK stands out as a significant concern. The top half of its regions are on par with prosperous Finland in terms of GDP per capita, and the bottom half ranks below the Czech Republic (LGA 2023, McCann 2020). Policymakers are faced with the ongoing dilemma of whether Whitehall or local leaders are better equipped to address inequality between and within regions.  IPPO Cities’ policy roundtable on “Place and Spatial Inequality” convened national and local policymakers and experts to discuss the road ahead for remedying spatial inequality....

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  2. Mental Health in the City: Five Key Takeaways

    Mental Health in the City: Five Key Takeaways

    IPPO Cities convened a policy roundtable to explore insights from the pandemic for city policymakers around mental health.  The event discussed how mental health is critical for a place’s productivity, resilience, and economic development, as well as hearing examples of innovative place-based strategies to promote wellbeing. Jeremy Williams Here are five key takeaways from the discussion. 1. Place matters The interface between people and the urban environment is fundamental for mental health.  Place fundamentally shapes our personalities, how we feel, and who we are.  While we have always known this, this insight...

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  3. Social capital’s impact on COVID-19 outcomes at local levels

    Social capital’s impact on COVID-19 outcomes at local levels

    Over the past thirty years, disaster scholars have highlighted that communities with stronger social infrastructure—including social ties that enable trust, mutual aid, and collective action—tend to respond to and recover better from crises. However, comprehensive measurements of social capital across communities have been rare. This study adapts Kyne and Aldrich’s (Risk Hazards Crisis Public Policy 11, 61–86, 2020) county-level social capital index to the census-tract level, generating social capital indices from 2011 to 2018 at the census-tract, zipcode, and county subdivision levels. To demonstrate their usefulness to disaster planners, public health experts,...

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  4. Mental Health in the City: can developing a new ‘Urban Psychology’ be an antidote to poor design and policy?

    Mental Health in the City: can developing a new ‘Urban Psychology’ be an antidote to poor design and policy?

    Chris Murray, Director of Core Cities UK, writes for IPPO Cities on urban psychology in advance of his appearance at our virtual roundtable on Mental Health in the City on 12 May 2022 at 2pm BST. Chris Murray In an article for IPPO Cities in December 2021, I set out some new ideas emerging around an ‘urban psychology’.  This could help cities take a different, person-centred approach to long-standing issues as well as the more recent impacts of the pandemic in respect of design, but also across a wider base of urban...

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