Cities Articles from IPPO

  1. Mental Health in the City: can developing a new ‘Urban Psychology’ be an antidote to poor design and policy?

    Mental Health in the City: can developing a new ‘Urban Psychology’ be an antidote to poor design and policy?

    Chris Murray, Director of Core Cities UK, writes for IPPO Cities on urban psychology in advance of his appearance at our virtual roundtable on Mental Health in the City on 12 May 2022 at 2pm BST. Chris Murray In an article for IPPO Cities in December 2021, I set out some new ideas emerging around an ‘urban psychology’.  This could help cities take a different, person-centred approach to long-standing issues as well as the more recent impacts of the pandemic in respect of design, but also across a wider base of urban...

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  2. Two Years On: Cities Policy Roundtable Event Report

    Two Years On: Cities Policy Roundtable Event Report

    Two years after the UK went into lockdown, IPPO held a day-long series of sessions on March 24, 2022 to examine what lessons we must learn for future policymaking. The video of the special Cities Policy Roundtable is below, with further reflections from IPPO Cities’  Jeremy Williams. City and regional leaders from across all four UK nations set out their strategic approach to the day’s theme of “not wasting a good crisis”, and shared their insights on how they were using their recovery plans as an opportunity to confront structural issues. Economy,...

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