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Amy Ramsay Articles from IPPO

  1. What Policy Interventions Are Needed to Reduce Economic Inactivity for People with Poor Health and Older People

    What Policy Interventions Are Needed to Reduce Economic Inactivity for People with Poor Health and Older People

    Amy Ramsay On 6th November, IPPO hosted a launch event for our latest rapid evidence review. Chaired by IPPO’s Jo Chataway, Co-Investigator and Thematic Director for Socio-Economic Inequalities and Covid-19 Recovery, attendees heard from four speakers who discussed policy interventions to reduce economic inactivity for people with poor health and older people. The first speaker was Senior Research Fellow Carol Vigurs from the EPPI centre, who worked on the IPPO-commissioned rapid evidence review. Carol summarised the review process, sharing its key findings, which you can find summarised here. Launch event attendees heard...

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  2. What Policy Interventions Are Needed to Reduce Economic Inactivity for People with Poor Health and Older People?

    What Policy Interventions Are Needed to Reduce Economic Inactivity for People with Poor Health and Older People?

    Amy Ramsay Economic inactivity among working-age adults has remained stubbornly high since the Covid pandemic, resulting in lost taxes, reduced consumer spending, and increased benefit payments. The UK is now the only G7 country whose employment rate is not back to pre-pandemic levels. Against the backdrop of a UK labour shortage and a reported £22bn fiscal black hole, there is an urgent need to address economic inactivity. The most likely groups not to be in work or looking for a job are those with long-term health conditions and older people. However, these...

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