Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Policy research tool

The IPPO Living Map: a searchable database of evidence on the social impacts of COVID-19

The IPPO Living Map offers an easy-to-search, international database of systematic reviews of research about the social impacts of COVID-19. The scope of the Living Map is social sciences research evidence on COVID-19, including (but not limited to) IPPO’s priority topic areas: mental health, education, housing, care, Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, vulnerable communities, and online life.

Screenshot of IPPO Living Map
Screenshot of the IPPO Living Map

The Living Map is being continuously maintained by a team of researchers at one of the partner organisations that make up IPPO, the EPPI-Centre at UCL, using a suite of new technologies in EPPI-Reviewer that supports living systematic reviews and maps. The map contains bibliographic records of systematic reviews organised by topic(s), population(s), and other selected review characteristics.

Version 1 of the Living Map was published on Friday 26 March 2021. Work to date has focused primarily on identifying systematic reviews of research evidence on COVID-19 and mental health and wellbeing. An updated version of the Living Map will be published on the last Friday of every month.

For a more detailed explanation of how to use the IPPO Living Map, click here.