Expert Reference Group on COVID-19 and Ethnicity: Recommendations to Scottish Government

Systemic Issues and Risk: Initial Advice and Recommendations (18.09.20)
The Expert Reference Group (ERG) was established by Scottish Government ‘to ensure that we have an accurate understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on minority ethnic and migrant communities in Scotland, and that our policy responses reflect this. There is a need to work on improving existing systems and processes, and analysing what we know, while at the same time looking more fundamentally at how the system itself needs to change.’ This ERG subgroup was specifically asked to consider the following:
- Given the potential for a resurgence of COVID-19, what priority actions should be taken to mitigate COVID-19 risks for minority ethnic patients, health staff and communities in the short-term?
- What steps should be taken to address the health inequalities and systemic issues exposed via COVID-19 facing minority ethnic people and communities?
- To what extent does learning from issues around COVID-19 and race require the Scottish Government to adjust its approach to tackling race equality?