How Society-Wide Conversations Help Us Tackle Complex Problems, Such as Net Zero
Around the world, policymakers are reconciling the long-term need to tackle climate change with public backlash against policies that would ensure a path to Net Zero.
October 17, 2023
Around the world, policymakers are reconciling the long-term need to tackle climate change with public backlash against policies that would ensure a path to Net Zero.
October 17, 2023
Around the world, policymakers are reconciling the long-term need to tackle climate change with public backlash against policies that would ensure a path to Net Zero. In this review of ‘Society-Wide Conversations’, our partner INGSA explores how national debates over controversial issues of social change have come about, and their outcomes.
October 10, 2023
One way to capture the flood of research during the pandemic was to gather and organise information using evidence synthesis methods, such as an evidence map. During the pandemic, I worked at the EPPI Centre developing their Living Map of systematic reviews of social research focused on COVID-19, as part of the IPPO partnership.
October 6, 2023
Every democracy at times has to make difficult decisions – making sacrifices or accepting restraints in the longer-term interest of the community. Sometimes these choices are thrown up by emergencies like wars and pandemics. Sometimes they are thrown up by slower moving crises, like reforming pensions or committing to multi-decade strategies on net zero.