Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Blog Articles from IPPO

  1. Can China’s zero-COVID Policy Stand Up to the Test?

    Can China’s zero-COVID Policy Stand Up to the Test?

    Virologist Feng Gao is head of the Institute of Molecular and Medical Virology at Jinan University in southern China’s Guangzhou, and an emeritus professor at Duke University in Durham in the United States. Gao has been researching pathogens for nearly 40 years and is currently working on vaccine development for the coronavirus and HIV. Here he discusses his experiences with COVID-19 in China and the United States*. Interview by Yvaine Ye How has the outbreak of the Omicron variant affected you? I came back to China from the States in February 2022 after...

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