Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Blog Articles from IPPO

  1. Exploring the Art and Craft of Knowledge Mobilisation

    Exploring the Art and Craft of Knowledge Mobilisation

    Sarah Chaytor What is knowledge mobilisation? Put simply, it is about sharing knowledge between different people.  The research-policy ecosystem is about connecting academic evidence and expertise to policy professionals to explore and address policy problems. Here, I offer some personal reflections and observations on seven aspects of knowledge mobilisation to inform public policymaking in practice, drawn from 12 years of experience and countless conversations with many highly talented colleagues. What is knowledge mobilisation? Knowledge mobilisation is perhaps best considered not as a fixed technique but as a ‘craft’ incorporating many different skills...

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  2. How a Universal Basic Income for People Over 65 Increased New Zealand’s Labour Force Participation

    How a Universal Basic Income for People Over 65 Increased New Zealand’s Labour Force Participation

    Tatjana Buklijas In 2022, the New Zealand government launched the Older Workers Employment Action Plan (OWEAP), which outlined a series of actions supporting older workers, their employees as well as the broader environment1. The key driver of this action plan was the recognition of the future impact of New Zealand’s ageing population, including its labour force. While in 1993 26.6% of the workforce was aged 45-64 and only 1.2% above 65, in 2023 36.7% of the workforce was aged 45-64 and 7% over 652. This rising proportion of older workforce reflects the...

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  3. Factors Contributing to the “Discouraged Worker” (Desalento) Phenomenon In Brazil

    Factors Contributing to the “Discouraged Worker” (Desalento) Phenomenon In Brazil

    Moara Canova It is projected that the number of individuals aged 60 and above in Latin American countries will have tripled by 2050. As population levels fall overall, this increased proportion of older people is likely to reduce the workforce, the rate of economic activity, and increase pressures on government finances (Travassos et al 2020). However, this number does not tell the whole story. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, social and economic inequalities (Lima and Durán, 2021), repeated economic recessions, and above all the Covid pandemic have driven the “discouraged workers”...

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  4. Four Years of Evidence Synthesis: What Did We Learn?

    Four Years of Evidence Synthesis: What Did We Learn?

    Sarah Chaytor IPPO was originally set up to identify and synthesise evidence that could help policymakers better understand how to mitigate against the worst effects of the global pandemic. In its second phase, we widened our focus to encompass Covid-19 impact and recovery; net zero, place and spatial inequalities, and socio-economic inequalities. We have done this through commissioning systematic reviews, undertaking global policy scans to capture innovations and evidence from across the world, delivering rapid evidence briefings and convening experts from different academic disciplines, public policy areas, and sectors to share insights...

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