Please note: The International Public Policy Observatory is no longer operational. This website is not being monitored and acts as an archive of its work.

Articles from IPPO

  1. First-dose vaccine effectiveness against SARSCoV-2 infection in residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

    First-dose vaccine effectiveness against SARSCoV-2 infection in residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

    Shrotri et al, The Vivaldi Study (26.03.21) We conducted a systematic search for studies which evaluated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness in residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) published between 01/01/2020 and 11/03/2021 … Our findings add to the growing body of evidence on the protective effect of the BNT162b vaccines in residents of LTCFs, and demonstrate the effectiveness of ChAdOx1 in this vulnerable population. Evaluating single-dose vaccine efficacy has become increasingly important in light of extended dosing intervals that have been implemented in order to maximise vaccine coverage across high-risk groups. Further work...

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  2. COVID-19 Studies from the World Health Organization Database

    COVID-19 Studies from the World Health Organization Database

    US National Library of Medicine (regularly updated) This is a database of ongoing and completed COVID-19 studies listed on the World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO ICTRP). Information in the WHO ICTRP comes from clinical trial databases maintained by other countries or regions of the world. COVID-19 studies listed on are not included in this list, but can be found using the linked search for COVID-19. To give researchers and the public rapid access to studies on COVID-19 in other countries, update this list weekly. You can...

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  3. The COVID Decade: Understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19

    The COVID Decade: Understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19

    The British Academy: evidence review (23.03.21) The British Academy was asked by the Government Office for Science to produce an independent review on the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19. This report outlines the evidence across a range of areas, building upon a series of expert reviews, engagement, synthesis and analysis across the research community in the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (SHAPE). It is accompanied by a separate report, Shaping the COVID decade, which considers how policymakers might respond. History shows that pandemics and other crises can be catalysts to rebuild society...

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